Featherweight Touch Up Paint Black
Touch up paint specifically formulated to match* the black Singer Featherweight 221 or 222. Shake vigorously and apply with brush (included). Size = 1 dram. Paint is oil based.
*Due to age and antiquity, black Featherweight paint can vary ever-so-slightly. Therefore, this touch-up paint is not guaranteed to be a precise match for all black Featherweights, but will be close for most... and, when used as a small touch-up, the final result will look better than obvious chips and a dark base showing through. To be assured of an exact match to your Featherweight machine, however, it is recommended to contact a local auto body shop to have them paint-match a custom color.
NOTE: Because paint is a consumable, returns are unavailable.
NOTE: Do not leave paint left open it can thicken as it is exposed to air. If this happens, the paint can be thinned with acetone or lacquer thinner but NOT paint thinner.